Online and Weekday Worship
Sunday Worship
Our Sunday worship is in person and also livestreamed on YouTube which can be accessed by clicking the YouTube icon at the bottom of this page.
Zoom Morning prayer 8.30am Monday to Friday
Our life together is underpinned by a rhythm of prayer and worship throughout the week and we would be delighted if you joined us. During the pandemic we learned how to do this over Zoom and we have decided to continue this way. Some of us join the Zoom call from the Lady Chapel Monday-Thursday - please contact the Vicar if you would like to join us. To find out how we structure Morning Prayer, download this guide.
To join us :
- Click on the 'Morning Prayer' link on the weekly Mailchimp newsletter or email Shirley at the Church office to get the Zoom link.
- Download Zoom onto your computer, tablet or smartphone (you can do it just by clicking on the Zoom link for Morning Prayer and following the on-screen instructions). Please contact the Church office for how to access zoom if you're still struggling and there are three useful videos which explain how to access zoom here.
- Follow the service using one of the following:
- downloading the smartphone or tablet app called Daily Prayer for Morning Prayer or Time to Pray for Night Prayer (this is the easiest option)
- going to the Daily Prayer page on the Church of England website and finding Morning Prayer or Night Prayer
- buying the book Common Worship Daily Prayer and bringing a bible (we generally use the New Revised Standard Version)
Tuesday: 10.30 am Holy Communion
This is in our beautiful Lady Chapel and is a said service with hymns.
Sunday Worship is in person but also on YouTube, followed by coffee together.
You can find advice about recording contributions to online worship here and there's a great video intended for Clergy which is also very useful to watch here.