St Alban North Harrow

Intercessory Prayer

Why do we pray during our services?

When we lead the intercessions at the main service, we are praying on behalf of God's people gathered in our church. This affects the way in which we address God as we pray. 

Preparation and Feedback



Who or what do we pray for?

Prayers of Intercession usually come under five headings and although we need not be bound rigidly to these, we should try to include the various categories.

Planning for Normal Parish Communion

You are welcome to use set prayers from the service book, prayers you write yourself for the occasion, or published prayers from other books. We have three different styles of intercession books available to borrow for the week before you lead-these are particularly helpful because they are linked to the readings for each Sunday. 

There are different styles of intercessions, and each may have a use on a different occasion. During Penitential seasons in the Church's year (Advent or Lent), you may like to use a Litany: Short biddings, silence (optional) ending with greeting and response.  
