St Alban North Harrow


At St Alban's we take the safety of all our community very seriously. 

Our Safeguarding Officer, Cathy Tahsin works with the PCC to ensure that we have robust safeguarding policies and procedures in place: please click here to see our PCC policy document.

St Albans has appointed Cathy Tahsin as our Safeguarding Officer. She is normally assisted by our  Deputy Safeguarding Officer Simon Gregory and our Children's Champion Carys Grom. 
Our Safeguarding Officer is the first person to contact if you have any concerns around the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult. 

All our safeguarding information and practices are set out in the Parish Safeguarding Handbook. All our volunteers and employees follow the Code of Safer Working Practice. You can download this presentation about our Safeguarding policies made at the Annual meeting in 2023. 

Please see here for our guidance for church hall hire.

If you would prefer to speak with someone outside the church call the London Diocesan Safeguarding Officer 020 7932 122 or go to their website. The Church of England has their own advice page here.

Other helpful contact details

There is a very helpful page on the Diocesan Website with listed contacts here and there are others listed below:

The Police also have a website with a list of these and other places to get support and have published the following helpful guides:

Following the publication of the report of The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse the Diocese of London have published this statement.