Welcome to St Albans! We're very glad to have you with us. If you'd like to become part of the family there are a number of ways to get to know us better.
We run an Alpha course regularly which is a perfect place to bring your questions about life and the Christian faith, or to have a refresher as well as meet new people and get to know others in the church. To find out about the next course, click here.
We want you to feel that you belong and know you have a part to play in the life of St Albans. We are looking for all kinds of help and you can find out more here.
We meet each day for prayer on Zoom at 8.30am and there is a smaller midweek service of Holy Communion each week where it's easier to get to know people. Just ask Shirley Clements, our parish administrator for the Zoom link, or subscribe to our newsletter.
Everyday Faith is a new resource from the Church of England which offers bitesize, yet in-depth, resources on topics relevant to you, that will help you help find and follow God in everyday life. These resources will inspire, equip and encourage you in your everyday faith, whoever you are and wherever this is. You can sign up to this here.
The Church Electoral roll is a different thing to the local register of those eligible to vote in our local and national elections. Instead it gives the names of those who worship regularly with us or who wish to feel a part of us, as long as they are eligible to do so. For more information and how to join please click here.