St Alban North Harrow

Holy Week at St Alban's

April 14th, Palm Sunday 
8.30am Holy Communion
10am Distribution of Palms and Gospel,
Narrative of the entry into Jerusalem
(meet with other North Harrow churches on the green in front of St Alban’s),
10.15am (approx.) Parish Eucharist, including a dramatised version of the Passion, led by the Sunday School

April 15th, Monday
10.15am Eucharist
8pm Churches Together North Harrow Lent talk

April 16th, Tuesday
10.15am Eucharist
7.45pm ‘Service and Sacrifice’, Revd David Brammer, a service of the Word to help us reflect on the events of Holy Week

April 17th, Wednesday
7.45pm ‘Service and Sacrifice’, Revd David Brammer, a Eucharist to help us reflect on the events of Holy Week

April 14th, Maundy Thursday 
7pm Last Supper Eucharist, followed by Stripping of the altars and Vigil

April 19th, Good Friday 
9.30am-11.30am Messy Church Workshop
11.30am Churches Together Walk of Witness (leaving from St Alban’s)
1pm Quiet Hour in the Lady Chapel
2pm Liturgy of the Passion

 April 21st, Easter Day
6.00am Lighting of the Easter fire and candle, followed by breakfast
8.30am Eucharist
0am Parish Eucharist of the Resurrection