St Alban North Harrow

What Christians Believe

So what is Christianity? Some people think it's believing in God, going to church and trying to do the right thing. But fundamentally it starts and ends with Jesus:

At the heart of Christian faith is the belief that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit: that God makes himself known in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and has sent the Spirit among us to empower us and keep that relationship alive. 

As Christians we believe that this is a relationship of unconditional love, open to us whoever we are and whatever we have done.  St Paul says that nothing, not even death, can separate us from this love.  This relationship of love, kindness and forgiveness has no end.

At the end of our services, a minister charges us to 'Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.'  We believe that we are called to live out this relationship of love, towards ourselves, each other, our local community, and the world.

Sometimes we think that we need to think or believe the right thing when it comes to faith.  We don't seek to provide neat answers or tidy definitions.  But we will try and support you, whatever stage your faith is at, and provide spaces where you can think about and discuss your faith. One of these spaces is our Alpha Course - do ask when we're next running one. We tend to run these during the Autumn and Spring Terms, so if you'd like a course you can do at home then do check out this highly recommended one from Glen Scrivener: Speak Life 321

Do come and speak to us if you would like to discuss anything to do with faith, or click here to find out more about what Christians believe or here to discover a Christian perspective on all kinds of current issues. You can also find a wealth of help with prayer here.